Sunday, February 27, 2005

Classy Schedule

My schedule is out, though subject to change at any moment. Also, the schedules run on a week by week basis, so what I do this week I may not next. Right now I am teaching 24.5 hours, which qualifies me for overtime (yes, working 24.5 gives me overtime!) and the classes are spread out over 6 days.

Twice a week I'm at a local university teaching Freshmen English. As noted, the books assigned are "Robinson Crusoe," "A Tale of Two Cities," and "The 100 Secrets of Successful People."

Once a week I find myself teaching Business English to the executives at the Becker-Acroma Company. I have no idea what the Becker-Acroma Company does. Later that same night though, I'm back at my private school teaching a standard Business English class.

Outside of that, I've got 5 classes a week with 10-13 years olds and one class a week with 7 - 9 year olds. So thats that.


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