Thursday, March 31, 2005

Well, That Didnt Take Very Long

I woke up this morning and found out I had a Chinese girlfriend. Turns out its a lot easier to get a girl in China than America, or maybe its just because I am an American, but whatever it is doesnt matter now. Plus she did watch all of 24 Season 3 with me, so either she has good (my) taste or she wants me bad enough to put up with 24 hours of Jack Bauer, not to mention my infamous shenanigans.

Oh, her name is WanXiao, her English name is Winnie. I'll have a picture up soon. Not that I dont already have a bunch, we've been going out doing things as she has been introducing me to Harbin, but they are all with other people; I dont have a good shot of just her. Turns out all those outings were dates, and we were never alone before the other day because "dating" involves chaperones here until the couple is comfortable with each other. But now I know, yup, those were dates and I got a girlfriend.

I still don't unmderstand just how it all happened, but I never really understood the dating scene in the West either, so why would I here? Either way, I should just be happy with what I got. (Here is a clue: It isn't herpes.)


At 12:29 PM, Blogger eirishis said...

Congrats. In honor of the occasion, I will refrain from jokes that involve the words "Cooper", "Wonder Years", "Pooh", "Piglet", or "Honey".


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