Friday, April 28, 2006


OK. I don't get a huge kick out of writing my travelogues as 1. there is so much I feel obligated to put in, activity-wise, it take me a long time to organize and plan my attack, 2. I am not creative enough to think of a better way of attacking other than the straight narrative, which isn't too exciting to write continuously, 3. they usually get so long I cut out my trademark tangents, which I miss 4. some of these pictures from the recent trip, taken on other cameras than my own, seem to have the tendency to be obscenely huge and keep crashing Blogger's alloted memory space, and 4. I'm easily distracted.

I'll finish up the notes on the last great adventure around China (for now) I promise, but I'll be condensing the text and the ramble. Probably rely much more on pictures and straight reporting.

Finally, word of warning: more and more of my friends have warned me of the dangers of internet publicity. The latest tale has worried me enough that I will soon dawn a mask of anonymity for the site. That is to say, if you are a regular reader and wish to remain one, BOOKMARK THE SITE NOW!!! If you find the site at your leisure by a silly Google search, well, that option will disappear in the very near future. Likely within the week. You have been warned.


Lets all go to the lobby, lets all go to the lobby, lets all go to the lobby and get ourselves a snack!


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